Freddie Broome

Fire Chief for the City of South Fulton
A gray background with a diamond pattern.

Freddie D. Broome is the newly hired Fire Chief for the City of South Fulton. Prior to joining the City of South Fulton, Chief Broome served as the Fire Chief for the City of Valdosta for 5 years. Chief Broome started his career in Winston-Salem, NC in 1996 and quickly rose through the ranks to Assistant Chief. Chief Broome has a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Appalachian State University and has been awarded the Chief Fire Officer Designee by the Center for Public Safety Excellence and the Georgia Fire Chief Certification by the Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs. He works as an adjunct instructor at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center and a presenter for the UGA Carl Vinson Institute of Government. Chief Broome is also an active member of the International Association of Fire Chiefs Human Relation Committee and represents the Georgia Municipal Association on the Georgia Fire Academy Advisory Board.






